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5 Pomeranian Separation Anxiety Symptoms: Key Signs & Tips

5 Pomeranian Separation Anxiety Symptoms: Key Signs & Tips

Is your Pom losing it when you’re not around? Feeling guilty every time you leave the house? Let’s dig into this Pomeranian separation anxiety thing.

What’s the Deal with Pom Separation Anxiety?

Poms are like furry shadows. They love being with their humans 24/7. When you’re gone, some Poms freak out. That’s separation anxiety in a nutshell.

Spotting the Signs: Is Your Pom Stressed?

1. The Endless Bark-a-thon

Your neighbours might clue you in on this one. Non-stop barking or howling when you’re out. It’s your Pom’s way of saying “Come back!”

Pomeranian Separation Anxiety Symptoms: Key Signs & Tips
What’s the Deal with Pom Separation Anxiety?

2. Destruction Derby

Came home to a war zone? Chewed up shoes, scratched doors, or torn curtains? Your Pom’s not being naughty, they’re stressed.

3. The Great Escape Artists

Suddenly your Pom’s a mini Houdini? Trying to dig under fences or jump over gates? They’re not after adventure, they’re after you.

4. Potty Problems

House-trained Pom having accidents? Separation anxiety might be the culprit. Stress can mess with their bathroom habits.

5. Pacing and Restlessness

Notice your Pom can’t sit still before you leave? Pacing, whining, or following you everywhere? They’re picking up on your “I’m leaving” cues. ADOPT BEST POM

What's the Deal with Pom Separation Anxiety?

Why’s Your Fluffball Freaking Out?

  • Poms are bred to be companion dogs
  • They’re not used to alone time
  • Changes in routine can trigger anxiety
  • Past bad experiences when left alone
  • Lack of proper training or socialisation

Quick Fixes: Easing Your Pom’s Stress

1. The Gradual Goodbye

Start with short departures. Build up time slowly. Help your Pom realise you always come back.

2. Keep It Cool

Make departures and arrivals low-key. No dramatic goodbyes or excited hellos. It helps your Pom see it’s no big deal.

3. Puzzle Power

Give your Pom something to do while you’re gone. Puzzle toys or treat-dispensing games work wonders. A busy Pom is a less anxious Pom. Read Also 10 Holiday Foods That Are Dangerous for Pomeranian Puppies

4. Tire Them Out

Exercise your Pom before you leave. A tired Pom is more likely to relax. Aim for a good walk or play session.

5. Calming Vibes

Try pheromone diffusers or calming aids. They can take the edge off for some Poms. Always check with your vet first.

6. Background Noise

Leave the TV or radio on. It can make your Pom feel less alone. Choose calming shows or music.

7. Safe Space

Create a cosy den for your Pom. A crate with comfy bedding can work. Make it a positive place, not a punishment.

8. Practice Makes Perfect

Do your “leaving routine” without actually leaving. Pick up keys, put on shoes, then sit down. It helps your Pom unlink these actions from you leaving.

Pomeranian Dog Breed Info: Temperament & Traits | Potty Buddy
Pomeranian Dog Breed Info: Temperament & Traits | Potty Buddy

When to Call in the Pros

If you’ve tried everything and your Pom’s still struggling, it’s time for backup. At MiddleEastPets, we’ve seen it all. Our trainers are pros at handling Pomeranian separation anxiety. We can create a custom plan for your Pom. No judgment, just solutions.

Remember, every Pom is different. What works for one might not work for another. It’s all about finding what clicks for your furry friend.

Dealing with Pomeranian separation anxiety takes time and patience. But with the right approach, you and your Pom can conquer this challenge. Stick with it, and soon you’ll have a happier, more confident Pom. 12 Essential Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

And if you need a hand, MiddleEastPets is just a call away. We’re here to help your Pom become the chilled-out fluffball they were meant to be. Because a relaxed Pom means a relaxed you. And that’s what we’re all about at MiddleEastPets. Contact Us

Pomeranian separation anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life or your Pom’s. With these tips and a bit of persistence, you’ve got this!

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